Sunday, January 16, 2011

Support for FTP community

This blog has been set up to try and offer support to the Fig Tree Pocket community, affected by the recent floods.  We are new to blogland, so please bear with us as we try and navigate it to try and work out how to best offer support for our community.

We set up a community 'drop in centre' at FTPSS on Friday, 14 January - we just opened the doors of the 'old' prep room and thought we'd see what would happen - we had no power, just a thought that FTP needed a 'centre' during the flood aftermath. 

**for FTPSS families who live in FTP*** - if you have ordered your bookpack through Sequel books, it will be delievered to the school this week.  We will endeavour to contact you to arrange collection/delivery.  If your family home has been flood-affected, our aim is to keep your child's book pack at the school.***

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday (14th, 15th, 16th January) we have delivered 100's of sandwiches, bottles of water and snacks out to the army of families and volunteers working to salvage and clean property and houses in our suburb.  Loads of washing have been done and returned back to the drop in centre.  We've taken requests for help and tried as best we could to answer them.

As we move into this last week of school holidays, the focus of the drop in centre will shift, as we try to work out what help is needed and how it can best be offered. 

What we are trying to do:
* be a drop in centre for laundry affected by floodwater.  Bring clothes/linen etc to the school, with clear details as to who it belongs to.  We will arrange for it to be washed and returned to the school.
* provide water and basic food supplies for volunteers.  As the week goes on, it may be that this will have to be collected from the school and taken out to people working - rathen than being delivered to them.
* be a conduit for help - what do you need? - child minding?  baking?  meals?  - leave a comment and let us know.
* our school chaplain is available if flood affected families would like to have a cup of tea and a chat with him.
*basic groceries - eg food, toiletries, sanitary items, small toys - have been donated and are available.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU WOULD LIKE HELP, OR CAN OFFER HELP - please be specific in what you need or what you would like to offer, and please leave a contact name and mobile number.

We CANNOT be a delivery centre for any second hand clothing, toys etc.  If you are able to donate any items for flood affected families, please leave a comment with your contact name and mobile number, and the details of what you are able to donate.  If you need a particular item listed, please directly contact that person.

We look forward to hearing from you.  We are all volunteers from FTPSS and local families, and wish everyone clear skies as the clean up continues.


  1. I have a relatively new microwave to give to someone who could use it. Contact: Suzy Mobile 0409639255.

  2. I can help with washing. Contact Suzy on mobile 0409639255.

  3. I have a 505 litre Hoover fridge & freezer in good working condition to give away.
    Contact Claire on 0428 004 113
